Despite the common perception that summer = an abundance of flowers, late summer can actually be a somewhat quiet time in the garden. Many of the plants that are in bloom in late spring and early summer have tapered off, and colorful fall foliage is a little way off.
What’s needed is a pop of color to spruce up the garden, and even better if the plants continue to bloom well into fall. Luckily, there are plenty of flowers that are in their prime right now and that will keep on blooming into fall or even until frost!
Here are 9 of our favorite late-summer flowers for the Pacific Northwest (Editor's Note: Plant availability may vary. Please ask us for substitutions and alternatives).
1. Rudbeckia fulgida (Black-Eyed Susan)

Did you know that Rudbeckia is considered one of the top 10 perennials of all time? It's a reliable and long-lived plant, with masses of deep yellow flowers that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects. It also makes a great cutting flower.
Blooms July-October
Full Sun
24"-36" High and 18"-24" Wide
2. Caryopteris (Bluebeard)

Caryopteris is an upright shrub with blooms from midsummer to frost. 'Beyond Midnight' (shown above) has a compact habit, dark, glossy foliage, and deep purple-blue flowers that are a favorite with pollinators of all types! There are also cultivars with pink flowers and others with gorgeous golden foliage. Prefers well-drained soil.
Blooms July-September
Full Sun to Part Shade
24"-36" High and Wide
Deciduous Shrub
3. Echinacea (Coneflower)

Echinacea is a staple of summer, attracting pollinators of all kinds (including butterflies) and bringing cheerful color to the garden. Cut flowers can last 10 days or more in bouquets. With a wide variety of colors and styles, there is an Echinacea for everyone!
Blooms July-October
Full Sun to Part Shade
24"-36" High and 24" Wide, depending on variety
4. Geranium 'Rozanne' and others

photo: White Flower Farm
Hardy geraniums are an exceptional groundcover or border shrub. ‘Rozanne’ is a lovely, loosely rambling variety that inspires the singing of Police songs at the top of one's lungs (despite the fact that it is pronounced Rosanne). The clear blue flowers with white eyes are abundant all summer long. Look for other varieties with flowers in shades of deep to pale pink.
‘Rozanne’ Blooms April-October
Full Sun to Part Shade
18" High and 36" Wide
5. Gaura lindheimeri (Whirling Butterflies)

The name Whirling Butterflies says it all. The attractive flowers look like a cloud of pink or white butterflies fluttering in the afternoon breeze. Heat and drought tolerant once established but must have perfect drainage in the winter to survive (add gravel and not compost to the soil when planting).
Blooms June-October
Full Sun
16"-48" Tall and 18"-48" Wide, depending on variety
6. dahlia

Dahlias are the quintessential late-summer flower with awe-inspiring blooms that range from a petite 4 inches to the size of large dinner plates. The color palette is equally as vast. Keep deadheading the blooms as they fade and you will be rewarded with stunning flowers until frost. Note: The best time to purchase and plant dahlia tubers is in spring. Look for potted dahlias in stock throughout the summer).
Blooms mid-summer to Frost
Full Sun to Part Shade (best flower production in sunny locations)
12”-84” Tall and Wide, depending on variety
Some varieties are annuals and others form tubers and are often perennial. Tubers can be dug out of the garden in late fall and stored inside over the winter. For more info, read our blog: Fall Dahlia Care.
7. Agastache

Agastache is a dependable summer bloomer, with aromatic spikes of flowers in a variety of colors and shapes. Best of all, hummingbirds love this plant! Prefers well-draining soil as Agastache hates wet feet. Drought tolerant once established.
Blooms Summer to Fall
Full Sun to Part Shade
20"-36" Tall and 16"-32" Wide, depending on variety
8. Coreopsis

Sweet, sunny Coreopsis are easy-to-grow members of the Sunflower family whose blooms attract butterflies and whose seed heads attract birds. Several species and varieties are available in bright, warm tones. Prefers well-drained soil.
Blooms June-Frost
Full Sun to Part Shade
18"-24" Tall and 24" Wide, depending on variety
9. Abelia x grandiflora cultivars

Abelia is one of our favorite tough, compact shrubs, with a dense and gracefully arching habit. Fragrant, bell-shaped pink or white flowers bloom from summer to fall. Some cultivars have lovely variegated foliage and/or fall color.
Blooms Summer-Fall
Full Sun to Part Shade
36"-72" High and Wide, depending on variety
Evergreen Shrub
There are, of course, many other plants that can add color in late summer and fall (Japanese Anemones, Begonias, Hydrangeas, Phlox, Zinnias, Hardy Fuchsias, Asters... the list goes on and on). See more of our favorites in the blog post, Fall Favorites: Perennials & Annuals.
Here at Swansons, we'd love to walk you through the best options for your specific space. Just ask us in person, email us, or message us on social media. Happy summer and happy planting!
updated for 2023.